Friday, May 22, 2009

My little Tinkerbell...

One week from today my baby will be 3!!!! I can not believe how fast she is growing, she is such a goofball! So much different then Mia was at this age, Mia was so calm and obedient, Eva is total opposite! I love her to death and could not imagine my life without her!

When we asked her what she wanted the theme of her party to be she said Tinkerbell, she is obsessed with fairies and butterflies or as she calls them "dooflies" I can not convince her they are called butterflies! When we were in Disneyland she wanted a Tinkerbell dress up, but they are sooooo expensive and I knew if she got one that Mia would have to have one too so I decided to make them some dressups! Mia decided she wanted to wear her's as a skirt and after doing these pics I am sure that Eva will want to for the party too! I wanted to get some pics of her early so I could put them on the invitation so me and Shandee met up at Jill's house to use her secret garden in her backyard. I did not take into consideration that we had just went to her 3yr check up and she had to have a Hep shot that she was missing, did not even process that she would not be feeling well after and would want to sleep and get a fever until we got to Jill's got them all dressed and headed outside and then meltdown began which you see in the first two pic's!!! She cried forever and then fell asleep on my lap out on the rocks! My legs were hurting and I had not gotten any pics that I really liked so we rolled up Mia's shirt and she slept on the edge of the fountain! She is so funny she will sleep ANYWHERE!!! I got some really great shots of Mia and then decided to throw in the towel! As soon as we left Jill's she started to perk up so I asked if we went to grandmas house if she would take some pretty pic's and she agreed and she did! I still have tonz to edit but here are some! Sorry that was sooooo long!

You can see her cut on the bottom of her lip in this picture!!!

And this is her sleeping on the fountain! :)
Mia is getting so big and she is such an amazing little person I just love her to death!!!
She is obviously a dancer I didn't even tell her to pose like this, well I don't ever tell her how to pose she is great in front of the camera! All girl!!!


Jill Revell said...

Oh my ADORABLE! Your girls are so amazingly beautiful. Those dresses are SO cute. How did you make them? I know how to make a tutu but what did you do for the top?

motherofangels said...

Your girls are absolutely gorgeous, these pictures are amazing!!!! and, I really need your help with photoshop! I only have 7.0 and don't know how to do it!

The Adams Family said...

Wow, you are really talented!! Your girls are so cute.

Sam said...

Your girls are gorgeous!! I love the dresses!! How did you make the wings or did you just buy them. You're such a good photographer!

Cami said...

You made those? Seriously had no idea you could sew. And you are an awesome photographer. DO you use photoshop to edit? I have photoshop elements but still need to learn how to use it.

Kandace said...

You take the best pictures!

The Robinson's said...

cutest girls ever!