Friday, August 21, 2009

Eva's first day of Pre-school...

Can you believe my baby girl is going to Pre-school!!!! It is so overwhelming with them both going to school even though Eva is only there from 9-11:15, 3 days a week it still feels so lonely. I am excited for once it sets in and I will finally have some time to do things for myself without begging someone to babysit!
She was so excited that yesterday when we took Mia she was upset that she was not going to school so this morning when I woke her up to get her ready she could not stand it she was ecstatic! She is already getting the hang of writing her name, I only showed her once but she is getting really good at it. She is such a little ball of energy sometimes I forget just how smart she is. I know she is going to have a fantastic year, and she too loves her teacher Miss. Misti.
Eva you are growing up way too fast, I love to see you and Mia bonding and you following her around. You are definitely a mommy's girl and I love it I can't get enough. I am going to miss you while you are at school but I am so excited for you to learn and make new friends! Mommy loves you Goofy!!!

"Look what I did mommy!"
Oh yes and the whole way home she kept telling me that she left her band aid at Miss. Misti's so she needed to go back. I told her we would get a new one at home, she thought I would turn around so she could go back and I had to explain that she would be back on Monday! She is too funny.

1 comment:

Kandace said...

I love your blog! I am glad that you said that you are a little happy for the girls to be in school so you can have time to yourself. That's how I feel!