Saturday, June 20, 2009


To end the big week of Strawberry days is the Parade! It was so crazy to have BOTH my girls in the parade this year! I did the parade every year as a kid and now it is so fun to see my girls doing it too! Since we live right on the route for the last two years we have had a big BBQ and watched the parade on the front lawn! Well just our luck it rained like crazy that day so our big plans were a little ruined! We still watched the entire parade despite the rain, and then ate inside! The girls had a blast and they are both soooo excited to do it again next year! The girls with their cousin Valerie who is cheering for PGJH this year!

Max all bundled up with his eyes glued on the parade!

Eva was so cute as soon as they went past the house we were all yelling for the girls and she got soooo excited! She looked at me like "Hey that's my mom and my house!" She loved every minute of it!

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