Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eva's 3rd Birthday Party...

Today was Eva's 3rd Birthday party. She had decided she wanted a Tinkerbell party so we picked the park, rented a slide, and had some food. She was so cute for like 2 days before the party she would make me sing Happy Birthday to her and she would practice blowing out her candles! She loved running around, opening her gifts and trying to blow out the candles! I did not have such a great time at first! For those of you who don't know how I am about parties, I get a little weird with wanting everything perfect! My mom sat all day making the tissue paper flowers I had the center pieces all done with fresh flowers tonz of framed pictures to display and balloons galore, which I tied onto the stroller to walk over to the park! I must have looked like a complete idiot! But anyways the wind was so bad when we were setting up that I could not use anything I had planned!!! I had my usual meltdown and then just told myself, just try to enjoy the party and I did!
I can't believe my baby is turning 3 it seems like yesterday I was calling my mom from the hospital and telling her to hurry cause I was going in for an emergency C-section and ended up with this 5lb 5oz little bundle of joy! Time flies, she is growing too quickly and I love this little ball of energy more than words can express! I love you my little Goofy, I have a feeling you are going to be trouble in a few years!!!!

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